Ich habe hier noch einen Trick gefunden, der die Latenz möglicherweise verbessern könnte. Dies betrifft aber Änderungen in der Registry. Wenn Du dies ausprobieren möchtest, solltest Du aber die Änderungen (Zustand vor der Änderung) notieren, damit Du diese notfalls wieder zurückändern kannst.
Wenn du mit dem RegEdit etwas vertraut bist, kannst du natürlich auch vor der Änderung einen Export des betreffenden Registry-Hives in eine Datei sichern. Diese kann man dann später durch Doppelklicken einfach wieder zurückschreiben. Wenn du aber zusätzlich neue Keys mit Werten angelegt hast, musst du diese dann manuell wieder entfernen.
Soviel zur Arbeit an der Registry. Hier nun als Zitat, die Änderungen, die eine Verbesserung der Latenz bringen könnten:
Jo Grüssi!
Ich habs schonmal gepostet und mache es gern nochmal, da diese Tricks meine Latenz enorm verringert haben. Probieren geht über studieren - mag sein, dass es bei euch gar nix bringt, da wahrscheinlich wirklich ein ISP Problem vorliegt, aber schauts mal^^
Einfach unverschämt kopiert von
http://www.mmo-champion.com ^^
Lag fix - Repost
I hesitated a lot before reposting it, but I didn't have any hate mail saying "omg you broke my computer !" the first time, so I'll assume it's fairly safe. (It's not like you'll be able to send a mail to complain if your computer isn't working anyway, right ?)
A few weeks ago I posted this fix from the ElitistJerks forums and it worked well for most of the people but it's not really safe and it was supposed to be fixed in 2.3.2, however it seems that the Nagle Algorythm fix in the 2.3.2 patch isn't as effective as expected for most of the players, and if you're in desperate need of a lower ping this is still the best way to go.
<><><> Read this first <><><>
1 - It might have side effects, like slowing down your download speed or affecting your performance on other softwares. (In most case, it doesn't change anything, but you've been warned)
2 - If you're not sure about what you're doing, just don't do it. I don't want to be responsible because you crashed your computer in some way because you made a huge error when editing the registry.
2.1 - Seriously, if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it.
3 - If you don't have the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\ directory, you can download and apply this file to your registry.
1 - TcpAckFrequency - NOTE if you are running Windows Vista this setting may not have any effect - a hotfix is needed which i'm tracking down. This works fine under Windows XP
Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
There will be multiple NIC interfaces listed in there, find the one you use to connect to the internet, there will be several interfaces listed (they have long names like {7DBA6DCA-FFE8-4002-A28F-4D2B57AE8383}. Click each one, the right one will have lots of settings in it and you will see your machines IP address listed there somewhere. Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TcpAckFrequency, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
You can change it back to 2 (default) at a later stage if it affects your other TCP application performance. it tells windows how many TCP packets to wait before sending ACK. if the value is 1, windows will send ACK every time it receives a TCP package.
2 - TCPNoDelay
This one is pretty simple (Discussed here)
Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu
Then find:
Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TCPNoDelay, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.
Click Ok and close the registry editor, then reboot your PC.